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Thursday 2 May 2013

The first bedroom... - January 2013

The first bedroom... - January 2013

When we first moved into our new home, I was keen to make sure that my step-daughter had a space she could call her own when she weekends with us. 

We sat down an had a conversation about what colour theme she wanted, and I was relieved when she made the grown up choice of red and creme with very little encouragement from me. Although I did say to be sure to pick colours she would like into her teens (she's 9 now).

So, she and her Dad went to the DIY store and settled on Crown's 'Sticky Fingers'. Next I took inspiration from a duvet cover we had and drew the design free-hand in pencil straight onto the wall. Here is the work in progress of filling in that design with paint:

You can see the pencil on the right hand cluster

It was important to me that she had ownership of the whole process and the room - the best way to get her to respect the space growing up. She let me tidy bits up after her but she sure enjoyed the process as well as the outcome.

So - one happy step-mum and one happy step-daughter! :)

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